Linoleografie - Linocuts


EUGENIO CHICANO was born at Malaga on Christmas Eve 1935. In his youth, he attended the "Escuela de Artes y Oficios" of his town. From 1955 to 1958 he was scenographer of the group "Amigos des Teatro", directed by D. Andrés Oliva. To his period belongs a personal exhibition at the "Club de Prensa", and also the Participation in some collective exhibitions and the first journeys to Madrid. In 1965, He enrolled for a course of engravings at the Fine Arts School of Rome. In the Italian Capital he made the acquaintance of Guttuso, Berrocal, Ortega, De Chirico and Rafael Alberti. He then returned to spain and held one exhibition after the other, at Malaga, the O'Hana Gallery of London, at the "Primera Muestra de Grabado y Litografia" of Barcellona, at the Grand Palais of Paris, at the "Biennale dell'Incisione Latino-America" of San Juan of Portorico, at the "VI Triennale Internazionale" of Grenchen, at the "Triennale Internazionale" Of New Dehli and then again at Warsaw, Lubjana, Cracow, Venice, Porto, etc. In 1969 he made his second journey to Rome, where he published a folio book of six etchings: "el Amor, el Testimonio, la Contestacion". In 1971 he decided to settle in Italy. Various Italian publishers have printed his folio books: "5 Serigraphs" (1972); 5 lino-engravings (1974); "Chile 1973" (3 lino-engravings 1974); "Salero de Espana" (3 etchings 1975). He has held numerous personal exhibitions in European countries, the latest of which was the one organized for him by the " Galeria Sen" of Madrid, which displayed among his many works a series of large pictures with a poetical-social background. At present Chicano lives at S. Floriano di Valpolocella in the province of Verona.

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