Serigrafie - Serigraphs


Sto in Bretagna.
L'ho scelta perché cercavo una luce diversa dalla nostra, cosi colorata.
Avevo bisogno di luce fredda tesa metallica, con lunghe ombre viola.
Ho seguito gli itinerari degli impressionisti; di Gauguin che amo e di
Picasso a Dinard.
Mi sono trovato a volare in un mare di leggende, di magie, di sortilegi.
I Dolmen e I Menir, in quegli spazi, mi sono apparsi come visioni fol-
Goranti; immagini che sono diventate racconto.
Mi lascio andare al flusso dell'oceano e nuoto come un cormorano a
Picco sulle dune.

I live in Brittany.
I have chosen to live here because I was looking for a light different
from ours which is so colourful. I needed a cold light, taut and metallic,
with long, violet shadows.
I have followed the itineraries of the impressionists; of Gauguin whom
I love, and of Picasso at Dinard.
I have found myself flying in a sea of legends, of magic, of witchcraft.
The Dolmens and the Menirs, in those spaces, have appeared to me as
Dazzling visions; images which have become a tale.
I let myself go with the flow of the ocean and I swim like a cormorant
Sheer above the dunes.

GIANNI DOVA was born in Rome on January 8th 1925. He moved to Milan in 1939 and there studied Classics and attended the courses of Aldo Carpi and Achille Funi at the Academy of Art of Brera. When he was twenty he married Grazia Della Valle (three children: Maurizia, Rocco and Pietro). With Lucio Fontana and Roberto Crippa he has been one of the protagonists (1947-1951) of the Italian "Movimento Spaziale" (Special Movement). From the time of his first personal exhibition, which Was organized for him at the "Cavallino" of Venice (1946), to the one held at the "Museo Dalliera" in Paris (1972), and right up to his most recent ones, he has produced a continuous series of new works and achieved successes in the world's most important capital cities (Stockholm, Madrid, London, Tokyo, New York, Berlin, Amsterdam, Buenos Aires, Belgrade, Lima, etc.) as many articles, monographs and catalogues can testify. Amongthe numerous prizes he has won are to be mentioned the first prize at the "Exposition des Jeunes Peintres Internationaux" of Rome, Paris and Brussells (1955); the first selection at the Biennale of San Paolo in Brazil (1957); the first prize at the "Premio Bergamo" and the Paris prize at the Quadriennale of Rome, both in 1959. His present art dealer is Gianni Schubert of the Art Gallery Borgogna of Milan. Since 1969 he has been living for most of the year at Caratec in Brittany (France).

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