Sei linoleografie - Linocuts


CAVALCATURE create per la collina, il deserto, la steppa…..
(anche per l'arbitrio?). Tensione di masse muscolari, armonia di
movimento di fuga, macchie di colore, musiche scalpitanti negli
echi di pianure sconfinate, su sfondi senza contorno. Animali che
"vedo" apparire in luoghi neutri (buoni per ogni tempo) mi invitano
alla sosta, per comunicare. Si talora a qualcuno di noi "parlano"; ma
con riserva, come se intuissero la nostra congenita incomprensione…
Voce calda ribollente nell'anelito del fiato "fino qui sei venuto, fino
qui ti sei lasciato portare" fino qui…? (quasi leggere "infinito" come
"vuoto". Ecco in queste pagine alcune cavalcature incontrate nel mio lungo
E. T.

MOUNTS created for the hills, the desert, the steppe….. (also for man's
caprice?). The tension of muscular masses, the harmony of the movement
of flight, splashes of color, pawing music in the echo of the boundless
plains, on backgrounds with no outlines. Animals which I "see" appearing
in neutral places (good for all times) and which invite me to stop, to
communicate. Yes, sometimes they "speak" to some of us; but with reservation,
as if they guessed instinctively our inborn misunderstanding. A warm voice
surging up in the painting breath, "have you come as far as here, have you let
yourself be carried as far as here," as far as here….? (almost reading "infinite"
as "empty"). Here in these pages are some mounts met with during my long

EUGENIO TOMIOLO was born in Venice on 18th December 1911. He studied at the Scuola d'Arte of the Carmini and subsequently practised with the restorer Moro and the Master iron smith Umberto Belloto. He then moved to Legnaga with his family - his father Aristide was a veterinary surgeon. In 1934-35 he attended the Academia Giambettino Cignaroli in Verona and successfully devoted his energies to Frescoes. He had to give up his artistic activity when called up for the Abyssian war. He resumed in Rome in 1937 where he worked until the outbreak of war in 1940. He painted a series of frescoes in 1941-42: "Scenes from the Old and New Testaments" Commissioned by the Veronese family Corradini; "Recent stories of Italy" at Padua for The Bragadin family; "Four prophetic dreams of St. John Bosco" in the church of a Salesian institute. (These last two works were destroyed during the war). He settled in Milan in 1945 and lived by himself the artistic events connected with the post-war revival. He took part in important art exhibitions. In 1952 he was invited to paint an altar-piece for A centre of the A.G.I.P. at Cesenatico, and in 1963 to carve a large crib in wood, actually of the church of Metanopoli in Milan. In 1967 he made two great mosaics in vitreous enamel for the new civic hospital of Legnago. In the same year the industrialist Pilade Riello devoted a monograph to him which consisted in the reproduction of about a hundred of his works accompanied by the testimonies of Mario de Micheli and Francesco Loi. In 1971 Marcello and Rosalba Tabanelli, his art merchants, collected and published a general catalogue of his engravings (1930-1971), containing 381 titles with an introduction by Raffaele De Grada. It includes "La Resistenza" (The Resistance) - (12 etchings of 1943-44); "Semi" (Seeds) (13 dry-point engravings of 1956); "Milano vecchia e nuova" (Milan old and new) - (5 etchings - acquatints of 1957 for a congress of the E.N.I.); "Laguna" (Lagoon) (71 dry-point engravings of 1968). Lately these same merchants have organized numerous personal exhibitions for him in foreign cities (Luxembourg, Paris, Lugano, Tel Aviv etc.) and Italian ones (Milan, Ravenna, Brescia, Palermo, Florence, Venise etc.). In 1974 they published "Centauri" (Centaurs) for Him. In the summer of 1975, for a series of "Racconti grafici" (graphic stories) (R.S.V.), "Cavalli soldati" (Soldier horses) came out, 12 dry-point engravings + 1, of 1973, with a brief written piece by the artist. Tomiolo also composes fine poetry in the Venetian language.

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